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Innovative Orthodontics To Treat Hypermobility Symptoms - Visit #1

*As you read my story, please be aware that many of us "zebras" have memory issues. I did not audio or video record the appointment and therefore this only is recollection of my thoughts and experiences. Before beginning my orthodontic journey, I held an awareness of a few conditions, possibly related to hypermobility, that manifest in the mouth and jaw. The first condition is crowded teeth. Crowding is present with my bottom teeth. Years of wearing braces were not able to straighten my teeth since there was no room for them to adjust into.  The second condition is mandibular tori. The tori are bony growths that protrude from my lower jaw. They can be seen under my tongue. I also was aware of the bone growths under my gums on my upper jaw. These bony growths are very sensitive touch, whether by a finger or dentist equipment. This is due to the thin skin that runs over the bones.  Thirdly, I previously developed trigger points in my jaw muscle. The trigger point locked my jaw ...

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